Throwback final event EnergAI: 'Role of AI in the Energy Sector'
Throwback final event EnergAI: 'Role of AI in the Energy Sector'
-> You can find the AI-guide and slides via the following link: EnergAI
On Sept. 26, 2024, various experts, companies and stakeholders gathered at the beautiful Snowball location in Harelbeke for our final event of the EnergAI project.
The event offered attendees in-depth insights and concrete applications on the potential of AI in the energy transition and concluded with an enjoyable networking reception.
See also Howest Energy Lab

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During the event, speakers highlighted how AI can play a valuable role in more efficient energy management and predictive maintenance, crucial at a time of rising costs, tighter regulations and increasing sustainability goals. Lore Leenknegt, applied AI researcher at AI LAB HOWEST, opened the event with a word of welcome and an explanation of the EnergAI project, then engaging speakers shared their expertise:
- Dirk Van Evercooren, Chairman of the Board at I-TRACK, spoke about the transformative power of AI and the energy transition.
- Matthias Detremmerie, founder of Elindus, addressed the invisible but crucial role of AI as a connecting factor in the energy transition.
- Robbe Sneyders, chief engineer at ML6, mapped out the industry's challenges and discussed existing AI applications that are already operational.
After a break with homemade desserts, Bart Saerens of Aquafin, Paula Acuna Roncancio, Alexandra Vanhuyse of Snowball and Arne Bauwens presented their practical cases. The ensuing panel discussion provided room for questions and vision exchange on the future of AI in the energy sector.
Jurgen Van Ryckeghem, Energy Training Coordinator and Energy Manager HOWEST and Charlotte Larmuseau, Smart Tech Lab Manager HOWEST concluded the instructive and inspiring afternoon, after which participants were able to network and chat during the reception.
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AI Lab, AI experts in Bruges and Kortrijk
Energy Lab, Energy experts in Kortrijk
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