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Projects about
#Artificial Intelligence

COOCK+: Rethink Energy 4 Food

COOCK+: Rethink Energy 4 Food

The aim of RE4F is the energy transition in the Flemish food industry. It focuses on energy and food process technologies that improve the energy transition, product quality and production efficiency, and promotes knowledge exchange, innovation and sustainable technologies.

TETRA: EnergyWise

TETRA: EnergyWise

How can AI-based analysis of energy consumption profiles contribute to energy optimization and the creation of a sustainable revenue model for energy management systems. The result should form an objective and substantiated advice for SMEs to minimize both energy costs and carbon footprint.

TETRA: Metatec

TETRA: Metatec

Metagenomics or metagenome analysis is the study of all DNA present from an isolated sample and involves the simultaneous identification of multiple (micro-)organisms for numerous applications. DNA sequencing technologies have made it possible to obtain the complete DNA of uncultivated microorganisms.

TETRA: Versnellen van AI Implementaties

TETRA: Versnellen van AI Implementaties

SMEs struggle to navigate AI for energy efficiency despite its potential. This project bridges the gap between research and business, empowering SMEs to make informed choices about integrating AI tools for a smoother digital transition.

News about
#Artificial Intelligence

Verantwoorde AI Applicaties met de AI Act - Workshop op 19 juni

Verantwoorde AI Applicaties met de AI Act - Workshop op 19 juni

Tijdens deze interactieve workshop gaan we dieper in op de EU AI Act en de principes van verantwoorde AI. Deelnemers zullen praktische kennis en inzichten verkrijgen die essentieel zijn voor het navigeren in de nieuwe regelgeving en het ethisch inzetten van AI-technologieën op een verantwoorde en betrouwbare manier.



The AI Act, effective August 1 2024, regulates AI in the EU to ensure safety, transparency, and accountability. It aims to prevent risks like discrimination and privacy breaches while fostering innovation. Compliance is crucial for all AI users and providers in the EU. In this post are FAQs to help clarify the AI Act.

Private AI event

Private AI event

During this event (in Dutch), we aim to immerse you in the world of language models to inspire you on how to ethically establish these AI models in-house and link them to your own data to maximize the potential economic impact of this technology.

Throwback final event EnergAI: 'Role of AI in the Energy Sector'

Throwback final event EnergAI: 'Role of AI in the Energy Sector'

On Sept. 26, 2024, various experts, companies and stakeholders gathered at the beautiful Snowball location in Harelbeke for our final event of the EnergAI project.

Meet the interns 2025

Meet the interns 2025

Dit semester heeft AI Lab 4 stagiairs die het team komen ondersteunen. Alle 4 zullen ze stage lopen van februari t.e.m. mei. Nu de stagiairs hier exact een maand bezig zijn, willen wij hen en hun projecten eens aan jullie voorstellen.

People that talk about
#Artificial Intelligence

Picture of Kyra Van Den Eynde

Kyra Van Den Eynde

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AI/CS Researcher, Teamlead

Kyra Van Den Eynde has a bachelor's degree in Cyber ​​Security and one in Artificial Intelligence. Within Howest's research groups, she therefore mainly focuses on projects that investigate what the added value of AI could be for today's cyber security. In addition, she mainly has a background in computer vision, but also does general AI projects.

Picture of Jens Krijgsman

Jens Krijgsman

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Automation & AI researcher, Teamlead

A full-stack researcher with extensive knowledge of both front-end and back-end development as well as software architecture. His profile has led him to handle the automation and integration of AI in various projects, particularly in environments that make use of MLOps, AIOps, and DevOps tools. Jens serves as one of the team leads within the AI lab

Picture of AI Lab

AI Lab

AI experts in Bruges and Kortrijk

The research group

Picture of Thijs Pirmez

Thijs Pirmez

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Android & iOS developer, AI researcher

Thijs Pirmez is an Android and iOS developer, as well as an all-around AI researcher. He embarked on his technology journey as a self-taught coder, and from that point onward, he has never looked back.