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Projects about
#AI Modeling



Bedrijven beseffen dat een verdere digitalisering nodig is om te blijven innoveren, groeien en hun processen efficiƫnter te maken. Vanuit bedrijven groeit wel de vraag over hoe ze ondersteund kunnen worden in de energietransitie, zonder dat dit grote kosten meebrengt.

People that talk about
#AI Modeling

Picture of Gilles Depypere

Gilles Depypere

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Researcher AI Lab

Being both a researcher in AI Lab and a teacher at Creative Technologies & AI, Gilles strives to obtain as much experience as possible in all different fields of Applied AI Research. Focusing on AI modeling and data preprocessing, he makes the link between research and education in the fast-changing world of AI. His main topics of interest are Computer Vision, Energy and Time Series forecasting and Generative AI.

Picture of Lore Leenknegt

Lore Leenknegt

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Researcher AI Lab

Specialized in computational modeling, Lore likes to apply her knowledge of mathematics, physics and AI to different areas like energy management, bio-sciences, and cyber security. After graduating as a Master in Biophysics, she continued to do a PhD in Applied Mathematics where the focus was on modeling cardiac electrograms. In addition, she likes to spread her enthusiasm for sciences and technology to the general audience.