Projects about
#Smart Energy

COOCK+: Rethink Energy 4 Food
The aim of RE4F is the energy transition in the Flemish food industry. It focuses on energy and food process technologies that improve the energy transition, product quality and production efficiency, and promotes knowledge exchange, innovation and sustainable technologies.

Bedrijven beseffen dat een verdere digitalisering nodig is om te blijven innoveren, groeien en hun processen efficiƫnter te maken. Vanuit bedrijven groeit wel de vraag over hoe ze ondersteund kunnen worden in de energietransitie, zonder dat dit grote kosten meebrengt.

TETRA: EnergyWise
How can AI-based analysis of energy consumption profiles contribute to energy optimization and the creation of a sustainable revenue model for energy management systems. The result should form an objective and substantiated advice for SMEs to minimize both energy costs and carbon footprint.
News about
#Smart Energy

Throwback final event EnergAI: 'Role of AI in the Energy Sector'
On Sept. 26, 2024, various experts, companies and stakeholders gathered at the beautiful Snowball location in Harelbeke for our final event of the EnergAI project.
People that talk about
#Smart Energy

Arne Bauwens
Energy researcher for Energy Lab
Energy researcher for Energy Lab

Energy Lab
Energy experts in Kortrijk
Research group of Howest