News about
#Creative Tech

Meet the interns 2025
Dit semester heeft AI Lab 4 stagiairs die het team komen ondersteunen. Alle 4 zullen ze stage lopen van februari t.e.m. mei. Nu de stagiairs hier exact een maand bezig zijn, willen wij hen en hun projecten eens aan jullie voorstellen.
People that talk about
#Creative Tech

Lecturer XR and MLOps
Combining AI and XR research with teaching at Howest MCT, offers Nathan the best options of both worlds. Doing innovative research in MLOps and quickly delivering it to the students is a great combination. His specialities include Lifelong learning, MLOps, Mixed Reality, Full Stack Web Development, Docker & Kubernetes and DevOps.

AI & XR researcher
Jens Eeckhout is an XR Developer with an interest and passion for AI. During his bachelor studies at Digital Arts & Entertainment Jens came into contact with the possibilities that game technology can offer for industry use-cases. After starting as a researcher at DAE Research, he transferred in 2022 to our team to combine his knowledge of Game/Immersive technologies with AI.

Lecturer data engineering & infrastructure engineering
Passionate about data and infrastructure engineering, Esli is a dedicated lecturer and proud professional nerd. He thrives on staying at the forefront of technology, whether it's building robust data pipelines or optimizing infrastructure for scalability. Let's shape the future together, one line of code at a time.