AILab Howest

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Projects about
#Generative AI



AID or generative AI in design tries to create a guideline of how generative AI could be used inside of the design sector. Combining multiple disciplines inside Howest to get a broad spectrum of ideas and possible use cases to help with creating a guideline of how to ethically and correctly start with generative AI

People that talk about
#Generative AI

Picture of Jens Eeckhout

Jens Eeckhout

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AI & XR researcher

Jens Eeckhout is an XR Developer with an interest and passion for AI. During his bachelor studies at Digital Arts & Entertainment Jens came into contact with the possibilities that game technology can offer for industry use-cases. After starting as a researcher at DAE Research, he transferred in 2022 to our team to combine his knowledge of Game/Immersive technologies with AI.